
John Curry 19-10-2023
John Curry

你是否总觉得自己在错误的星球上? 好像你不属于人类? 你的行为是否类似于特立独行的不合群者? 这种不寻常的行为背后可能有一个原因。 星宿者是精神上的高级生命,他们来到地球上是有原因的。

他们是来自遥远星球的地外生命,为人类服务。 他们被赋予了非凡的属性,如上帝般的智慧和特殊的移情倾向。 星际种子经历了精神觉醒的阶段,使他们意识到自己的身份和使命。

在早年,他们可能会感到被困在混乱和无目的的状态中,但在经历了重大的精神转变后,他们会接受自己存在的现实。 他们发现极难与其他人类联系,并认为他们的行为是奇怪和令人讨厌的。

他们并不讨厌人类;他们只是觉得自己与人类没有关系,也无法适应人类的方式。 他们忠于自己的事业,为人类服务,不求回报。

一旦他们完成了对某个团体或个人的帮助,他们就会远离他们的生活,退到他们自己的神秘世界。 那么,星际种子和靛蓝孩子之间的基本区别是什么呢? 其实,他们之间并没有什么区别。

See_also: 猫头鹰的精神象征意义是什么? 相关文章 织女星种子:他们的特质和在地球上的使命

靛蓝儿童是星种儿童的一个亚类。 靛蓝儿童可以通过他们激烈的精神来区分。 他们会以顽强的毅力在抵抗的道路上行进,只要它需要。 在实现他们的生活目标方面,他们有无可挑剔的决心。

如果你的孩子表现出如此纯粹的决心,他们很可能是靛蓝的孩子,并选择你来协助他的精神旅程。 靛蓝人常常被误解为异类,被社会排斥。 他们必须面对人们的苛刻待遇,同时制服自己的精神怪物,但他们总是能从每一场战斗中胜利出来。

以下是星宿派和靛蓝派儿童的一些特征,将帮助你更好地了解他们的个性。 问问自己你是星宿派儿童吗? 如果是的话,你一定具备以下特征。


我们有发达的本能,拥有自己的理性意识,这是常人所不能理解的。 我们被一种神圣的力量所支配。 我们的直觉决定了我们的目的地和任务。

See_also: 两只天鹅在双生子之旅中的意义


我们生活在不同的维度和时间平原上,这导致我们获得了前所未有的智慧。 我们远远领先于我们的时代,通常被认为是老灵魂。


  • 蓝光儿童--容易被误认为靛蓝的儿童
  • 昴宿星人的精神含义
  • 梦中慢跑的精神含义:通往个人的道路。
  • 在满月时来月经的精神意义:A...
相关文章 阿尔克图里亚星宿:了解其特质


虽然我们有较高的智力,但它并没有转化为高分,因为我们不认为学术成就相对重要。 我们认为没有必要向世界证明自己。


我们有很强的洞察力,我们的头脑就像天然的测谎仪一样工作。 如果有人在撒谎或隐瞒什么,我们会马上发现。 我们也善于隐藏自己的感情,以保护自己在情感上的脆弱性。 我们只向靛蓝和其他星种类型的人透露我们的感情和情绪。



靛蓝孩子的区别在于他们的战斗精神。 靛蓝孩子比星宿孩子有更明显的战斗精神。

John Curry

Jeremy Cruz is a highly regarded author, spiritual advisor, and energy healer specializing in the realm of twin flames, starseeds, and spirituality. With a deep passion for understanding the intricacies of the spiritual journey, Jeremy has dedicated himself to providing guidance and support to individuals seeking spiritual awakening and growth.Born with a natural intuitive ability, Jeremy embarked on his personal spiritual journey at an early age. As a twin flame himself, he has experienced first-hand the challenges and transformative power that comes with this divine connection. Inspired by his own twin flame journey, Jeremy felt compelled to share his knowledge and insights to help others navigate the often complex and intense dynamics that twin flames face.Jeremy's writing style is unique, capturing the essence of deep spiritual wisdom while keeping it easily accessible to his readers. His blog serves as a sanctuary for twin flames, starseeds, and those on the spiritual path, providing practical advice, inspirational stories, and thought-provoking insights.Recognized for his compassionate and empathetic approach, Jeremy's passion lies in empowering individuals to embrace their authentic selves, embody their divine purpose, and create a harmonious balance between the spiritual and physical realms. Through his intuitive readings, energy healing sessions, and spirituallyguided blog posts, he has touched the lives of countless individuals, helping them overcome obstacles and find inner peace.Jeremy Cruz's profound understanding of spirituality extends beyond twin flames and starseeds, delving into various spiritual traditions, metaphysical concepts, and ancient wisdom. He draws inspiration from diverse teachings, weaving them together into a cohesive tapestry that speaks to the universal truths of the soul's journey.A sought-after speaker and spiritual teacher, Jeremy has conducted workshops and retreats worldwide, sharing his insights on soul connections, spiritual awakening, and personal transformation. His down-to-earth approach, combined with his deep spiritual knowledge, establishes a safe and supportive environment for individuals seeking guidance and healing.When he is not writing or guiding others on their spiritual path, Jeremy enjoys spending time in nature and exploring different cultures. He believes that by immersing himself in the beauty of the natural world and connecting with people from all walks of life, he can continue to deepen his own spiritual growth and empathetic understanding of others.With his unwavering commitment to serving others and his profound wisdom, Jeremy Cruz is a guiding light for twin flames, starseeds, and all individuals seeking to awaken their divine potential and create a soulful existence.Through his blog and spiritual offerings, he continues to inspire and uplift those on their unique spiritual journeys.