
John Curry 19-10-2023
John Curry




凌晨3点左右,通灵和精神联系是最舒适的。 夜晚是静止的,空气是新鲜的。 大多数人都在睡觉,这使得能量总体上比较平静,这一切都使得联系变得清晰、和平。

See_also: 梦见和家人一起去教堂:探索其意义



许多人喜欢把凌晨2点到4点之间的时间称为 "连接时间"。


凌晨2点左右,世界变得非常安静。 当然,各地的凌晨2点是不同的,但在你的本地附近,这时喧嚣和骚动终于沉寂下来了。




  • 晚上听到脚步声的精神意义
  • 狗在夜里哭泣:精神上的意义
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  • 睁着眼睛睡觉的精神意义:10...
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然而,这些联系不应该把你从睡眠中唤醒。 事实上,我们晚上睡觉的原因是为了让这些联系在我们做梦的时候得到巩固。







做完这些,问题还没有解决,主要的解决办法是拥抱连接。 你可以通过几种方式做到这一点。

试试冥想,不是像白天那样完全的冥想,而是简单的冥想。 躺在床上,闭上眼睛,向传来的联系打开你的心扉。

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  • 晚上听到脚步声的精神意义
  • 狗在夜里哭泣:精神上的意义
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  • 睁着眼睛睡觉的精神意义:10...

你可以写下任何看起来值得注意的东西。 但不要用你的手机或电脑做这个,因为明亮的光线不会帮助你恢复睡眠。



几乎对每个人来说,这都是暂时的。 最终,你会适应这些连接,并能通过它睡觉。


See_also: 打破玻璃的精神意义

John Curry

Jeremy Cruz is a highly regarded author, spiritual advisor, and energy healer specializing in the realm of twin flames, starseeds, and spirituality. With a deep passion for understanding the intricacies of the spiritual journey, Jeremy has dedicated himself to providing guidance and support to individuals seeking spiritual awakening and growth.Born with a natural intuitive ability, Jeremy embarked on his personal spiritual journey at an early age. As a twin flame himself, he has experienced first-hand the challenges and transformative power that comes with this divine connection. Inspired by his own twin flame journey, Jeremy felt compelled to share his knowledge and insights to help others navigate the often complex and intense dynamics that twin flames face.Jeremy's writing style is unique, capturing the essence of deep spiritual wisdom while keeping it easily accessible to his readers. His blog serves as a sanctuary for twin flames, starseeds, and those on the spiritual path, providing practical advice, inspirational stories, and thought-provoking insights.Recognized for his compassionate and empathetic approach, Jeremy's passion lies in empowering individuals to embrace their authentic selves, embody their divine purpose, and create a harmonious balance between the spiritual and physical realms. Through his intuitive readings, energy healing sessions, and spirituallyguided blog posts, he has touched the lives of countless individuals, helping them overcome obstacles and find inner peace.Jeremy Cruz's profound understanding of spirituality extends beyond twin flames and starseeds, delving into various spiritual traditions, metaphysical concepts, and ancient wisdom. He draws inspiration from diverse teachings, weaving them together into a cohesive tapestry that speaks to the universal truths of the soul's journey.A sought-after speaker and spiritual teacher, Jeremy has conducted workshops and retreats worldwide, sharing his insights on soul connections, spiritual awakening, and personal transformation. His down-to-earth approach, combined with his deep spiritual knowledge, establishes a safe and supportive environment for individuals seeking guidance and healing.When he is not writing or guiding others on their spiritual path, Jeremy enjoys spending time in nature and exploring different cultures. He believes that by immersing himself in the beauty of the natural world and connecting with people from all walks of life, he can continue to deepen his own spiritual growth and empathetic understanding of others.With his unwavering commitment to serving others and his profound wisdom, Jeremy Cruz is a guiding light for twin flames, starseeds, and all individuals seeking to awaken their divine potential and create a soulful existence.Through his blog and spiritual offerings, he continues to inspire and uplift those on their unique spiritual journeys.